The best way to hide a food-baby and still look chic! Closet Case Ebony Tee

Twas the week before Christmas,
and all through the house,
not a garment was suitable,
not even a blouse.

Oh dear, sorry about that awful attempt at a parody! What I was trying to elude to, was how this lovely red Closet Case Patterns Ebony T-shirt came about. I had grand plans to make  lots of lovely things for the Christmas period last year, but time, as always, got the better of me. About a week, or less, before Christmas day, I decided to whip up an Ebony Tee. I have had this really lovely red floral jersey in my stash for a good few months and thought it would be festive enough to wear on Christmas day. I was on cooking duty for the day, and was also going to be running after a very exited two year old, so I needed something that was comfortable but a little bit special.


This lovely floral jersey fabric came from FC Fabric Studios. I’ve had a look, but I’m afraid they don’t have any more in stock. I would recommend checking out their site though, because they have a lovely selection of fabrics are very affordable prices (silk for £8/m!!). This fabric is a poly jersey of some kind, and I’m sure it didn’t cost more than £4/m. It’s the most gorgeous shade of red and has a lovely drape that works perfectly with this pattern. It was very easy to work with, with minimal rolling along the cut edges. It is however, as I said, a poly of some sort. Which means it’s not very breathable and I did get quite hot during the Christmas dinner prep!


The Ebony Tee is the most gorgeous, voluminous t-shirt and jersey dress pattern, which I have been meaning to make for quite some time. I opted for the raglan sleeve version, which is tunic length. I did toy with the idea of making it dress length but decided I’d probably get more wear out of it as a top. The sleeves were lengthened for a little extra warmth (although, based on the notes above, maybe I shouldn’t have!).

The size of this pattern is pretty epic! As the title of this post suggests, this is the perfect top to wear if you are going to be eating a BIG meal. No fear of showing your food-baby after! It is also super swishy and you can’t help but want to do little spins and twirls in it. I can imagine the dress would be a lot of fun.

It’s a really quick make, with no fitting required at all. The pattern was incredibly easy to follow and thankfully there were no hiccups during the making.

The only quibble I have about my tee is the neckline. I really don’t know why, but to me it has ended up looking slightly v-shaped, rather than scooped. I think it might be partly to do with the green foliage right in the middle of the neckband, perhaps creating a bit of an optical illusion. But I’m quite conscious of it when wearing it, which is annoying/a shame.


I am super pleased with the little t-shirt. A great pattern to pull out for a bit of instant gratification sewing, so I will certainly be making more. I really love the scuba dress versions, for their dramatic swing.

And even though I made this top with Christmas in mind, it’s not really a Christmas print so I’ve worn this t-shirt on many other occasions since. A definite winner!

If you would like to see the Ebony t-shirt in all its swishy glory then click here and watch my Oct-May Makes Mash-Up video at the bottom of the page!