Blog – Filter by Category

The Hemlock Hack Tutorial Series

I’m excited to be uploading my first post to my new website, Threadquarters, today. I thought I would kick off…

On the vlog: My Makes Since May

If you had been following my YouTube channel earlier this year, you will have known that I took a bit…

My Indian Summer Collection: Planning

If you have been following along with my blog posts and YouTube videos recently, you would have seen my relatively…

Storing my Fabric Stash

So I admit, I may have a bit of a fabric addiction. After I shared my sewing room tour on…

A Tour of my Sewing Room

So Summer is officially over, well at least in terms of the School Holidays, if not Astornomically (we still have…

A catch up on my Vlogs and back to Blogging!

Hello Everyone! Gosh it has been a ridiculously long time since I last wrote a blog post. My poor blog…

Catching up on some Summer makes – a vlog

I’ve been meaning to blog about a few things I made over the Summer, but I just haven’t had the…

The Seamstress Tag

Time for the second instalment over on my vlogging channel! I had filmed and planned for a different video to…

Sewing on YouTube: My Top 10 Sewing Vloggers

Hello everyone! I had a little break from blogging there while life was getting very hectic. There have been a…